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Why doesn’t my Laravel project show the .env file on a Mac?



Why doesn’t my Laravel project show the .env file on a Mac?

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enter image description here

How to fix it?

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Vichit Avatar asked Aug 25 '17 09:08


People also ask

Why is .ENV file not found?

env is a hidden file, so you need to allow file explorer to "see" hidden files.

Why there is no. env file in Laravel?

env file contains secret / sensitive data, e.g. database details, username, password etc. Hence for security reason also . env file should not be checked in. Also while you are on local development, obviously environment should be of local while on production it should be for production.

Where is .ENV file in laravel project?

In a fresh Laravel installation, the root directory of your application will contain a . env. example file that defines many common environment variables.

1 Answers

If you would like to see hidden file in Finder just press CMD + SHIFT + .

like image 69
Владимир Ефанов Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10

Владимир Ефанов