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New posts in language-features

Why doesn't 'using' have a catch block?

Volatile fields in C#

Should I Use self Keyword (Properties) In The Implementation?

Question regarding implicit conversions in the C# language specification

Why is _GNU_SOURCE macro required for pthread_mutexattr_settype() while it is in POSIX/IEEE standard?

How would you go about implementing off-side rule?

Why doesn't VB.NET 9 have Automatic Properties like C# 3?

Which syntax options/language features did Scala remove over time (and why)? [closed]

How much of the "Objective-C" I'm learning is universal Objective-C, and not Apple's frameworks?

What's the best language for physics modeling?

Why are there finalizers in java and c#?

Why is there no string interpolation in Scala?

Languages and VMs: Features that are hard to optimize and why

What is a cofunction and how would it work in Python?

How unique is PHP's __autoload()?

Java Language Specification - Cannot understand 'BlockStatement'

java language-features

Compilation error. Using properties with struct

Why was constness removed from Java and C#?

Are there any non-Lisp dialects that allow for syntactic abstraction?

"using" construct and exception handling