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New posts in language-agnostic

OOP: good class design

Code generators vs. ORMs vs. Stored Procedures

Python Threads - Critical Section

Does a garbage collector collect stack memory, heap memory, or both?

How to deal with constructor over-injection in .NET

Expand fill of convex polygon

Best way to display default image if specified image file is not found?

Efficiently reverse the order of the words (not characters) in an array of characters

Extract Server Name Indication (SNI) from TLS client hello

Is it better to store telephone numbers in some canonical format or "as entered"?

Unit Testing: Logging and Dependency Injection

What does Exclusive in XOR really mean?

When is a do-while appropriate?

language-agnostic loops

Magic numbers vs named constants


What's that CS "big word" term for the same action always having the same effect

How to prevent flushing to disk of a memory map opened on a windows temporary delete-on-close file

Are there common implementation strategies for arbitrary-precision arithmetic which are valid regardless of a specific language?

What's wrong with type classes?

Managing collision detection in games


C move memory parts inplace