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New posts in language-agnostic

What is an embedded scripting language?

Virtual functions in constructors, why do languages differ?

How to pass arguments to a constructor in an IOC-framework

Are the first 32 bits of an md5 hash just as "random" as any other substring?

language-agnostic md5 hash

linq styling, chaining where clause vs and operator

Most common examples of misuse of singleton class

Functional programming: immutability etc

Meaning of Program into Your Language and Program in Your Language

Any reason to use SecureZeroMemory() instead of memset() or ZeroMemory() when security is not an issue?

Unit test documentation [closed]

What does "ctor" stand for in class constructors?

oop language-agnostic

Overlapping line segments in 2D space

Cross-platform and language (de)serialization

Are there any practical alternatives to threads?

How can I compute a Cartesian product iteratively?

Fast sort algorithms for arrays with mostly duplicated elements?

Avoid stalling pipeline by calculating conditional early

DoSomethingToThing(Thing n) vs Thing.DoSomething()

Is it bad practice to use temporary variables to avoid typing?

Algorithm for permutations of operators and operands