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What is an ON-unit?

Algorithm to determine if number is between two numbers in modular arithmetic

What is semantic markup, and why would I want to use that?

Where to get a Database of Spanish <-> English Translations? [closed]

Reading Source Code Aloud

Data structure for efficiently retrieving the nearest element from a set

How is parallelism on a single thread/core possible?

The best way to validate XML in a unit test?

Algorithm for determining if 2 graphs are isomorphic

Best way to store hierarchical tags

Which innovations (like MVC, xunit, Hotspot) did Smalltalk bring?

Find triplets in better than linear time such that A[n-1] >= A[n] <= A[n+1]

Best Way to Begin Learning Web Application Design [closed]

What are some tricks that a processor does to optimize code?

Data structure for finding nearby keys with similar bitvalues

Calculating # or Rows and Columns

Fill volume algorithm

Isn't polymorphism just a side effect of inheritance?

Can an array be grouped more efficiently than sorted?

SVN problem: What is the latest revision that still contained this code snippet?