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New posts in language-agnostic

Is it bad practice to use the system() function when library functions could be used instead? Why?

Crappy Random Number Generator

On what is game time based? Real time or frames?


Are there any advantages to a nested If/Else instead of Else If's?

Finding shortest path for equal weighted graph

Find common elements in two sorted lists in linear time

What is rgb formula for a gradient going from white to blue?

How do you rate-limit an IO operation?

Designing for change [closed]


I need to choose a compression algorithm

How to enable comments on a static site? [closed]


Is it bad to have your test and production environments on the same machine?

How do I import Facebook friends from another website

Should all unit tests be successful?

How to tell someone that their mod's to my program are not good?

MongoDB : Update Modifier semantics of "$unset"

Calculate percent at runtime

Common term for the "value-based" OR operator

c++ c perl language-agnostic

Should null == null be true when comparing objects?

language-agnostic oop

Parsing a full name into its constituents