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New posts in language-agnostic

How can I program a simple chat bot AI?

Should I always/ever/never initialize object fields to default values?

What is the complexity of the log function?

Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Builder

A data structure supporting O(1) random access and worst-case O(1) append?

Clustering Algorithm for Paper Boys

How much work should the constructor for an HTML parsing class do?

Is the Haversine Formula or the Vincenty's Formula better for calculating distance?

Finding neighbours in a two-dimensional array

What not to test when it comes to Unit Testing?

Do programmers of other languages, besides C++, use, know or understand RAII?

c++ language-agnostic raii

How to fetch a Book Title from an ISBN number? [closed]

php language-agnostic

How do I explain what a "naive implementation" is? [closed]

Why do programming languages round down until .6?

How to generate random 'greenish' colors

Fluent Interfaces - Method Chaining

What's your Modus Operandi for solving a (programming) problem? [closed]


How to efficiently rack up billiards for an 8-ball game?

How would you implement a hashtable in language x? [closed]

How to Check Authenticity of an AJAX Request