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How to Check Authenticity of an AJAX Request

I am designing a web site in which users solve puzzles as quickly as they can. JavaScript is used to time each puzzle, and the number of milliseconds is sent to the server via AJAX when the puzzle is completed. How can I ensure that the time received by the server was not forged by the user?

I don't think a session-based authenticity token (the kind used for forms in Rails) is sufficient because I need to authenticate the source of a value, not just the legitimacy of the request.

Is there a way to cryptographically sign the request? I can't think of anything that couldn't be duplicated by a hacker. Is any JavaScript, by its exposed, client-side nature, subject to tampering? Am I going to have to use something that gets compiled, like Flash? (Yikes.) Or is there some way to hide a secret key? Or something else I haven't thought of?

Update: To clarify, I don't want to penalize people with slow network connections (and network speed should be considered inconsistent), so the timing needs to be 100% client-side (the timer starts only when we know the user can see the puzzle). Also, there is money involved so no amount of "trusting the user" is acceptable.

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Alex Reisner Avatar asked Jan 06 '10 23:01

Alex Reisner

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1 Answers

You can't guarantee the security of the timings cryptographically, because the client's browser can't do secure computation. Any means for encrypting to/from the server could be bypassed by adjusting the actual timings.

And timing on the server doesn't work, either - if you don't take account of latency in the round-trip-time, users with lower latency connections will have an advantage; if you do, users could thwart the compensation phase by adding extra latency there and then removing it later.

You can, of course make it difficult for the users to modify this, but security by obscurity is an unsustainable policy anyway.

So it comes down to either trusting your users somewhat (a reasonable assumption, most of the time) and designing the game so it's not trivial to circumvent the timings.

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Peter Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
