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How to do documentation in ReactJS?

I have a requirement to create the doc file of each of the component we define in our reactjs application. I am looking for the npm that we can use for creating the document of any extension, so that it may extract the code, comment everything from my component and change that to the document of any extension. How can I do that, please, assist me? My question is different from the other question found regarding the jsdoc, because I am looking for the documentation in reactjs using jsdoc.

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Gorakh Nath Avatar asked Jan 25 '17 09:01

Gorakh Nath

People also ask

Is React documentation good?

Luckily, React's documentation is really good. Try to make it as far as you can through React's Documentation Tutorial. Once you're bored, move on. You will revisit these docs when you start coding React apps.

What is JSDoc React?

JSDoc is a standard approach to writing code documentation in JavaScript. It is also a documentation generator that is used for the Javascript language.

1 Answers

Finally I found the solution, First go to the this link and read the document properly:- Read Document Now do the following steps:-

  • Open your command prompt
  • Install the JSDoc globally by command: npm install jsdoc -g
  • Now go to your project folder's path and run the command: jsdoc src -r -d docs
  • Above command will create the document in the doc folder of the your project directory.
    like image 145
    Gorakh Nath Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

    Gorakh Nath