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New posts in jquery-ui

Attach JQuery animation to methods/setters instead of CSS properties?

jquery-ui jquery-animate

Is using a jQuery theme for your entire website wrong?

css jquery-ui themeroller

jQueryUI css errors


Change image using jQuery

jquery html jquery-ui

Is it possible to change the Url which JQuery's JQueryUI Autocomplete generates?

Can I center a jQuery UI dialog to a div?

jquery ui slider, stop sliding if certain conditions are met


HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers

BlockUI jquery-ui theme support in IE

jQuery UI Tabs - Show all Tab

How i may get the complete jQuery UI icon list [icon css-class] - [icon]

jquery jquery-ui

JQuery UI Datepicker's select Month/Year drop down doesn't work in iPad if the Datepicker is on JQuery Dialog

DatePicker Size in Jquery

jquery css jquery-ui

How do I get a draggable to revert to the original position only if it was dragged onto an invalid droppable?

javascript jquery jquery-ui

jQuery change background color of table row when selecting a checkbox

jQuery sortable connectWith multiple lists

Dynamic search results on keystroke

Display placeholder text in empty sortable with jQuery UI

Change Size of Sortable Element on drag JQuery UI

Focusout is triggered twice