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New posts in jquery-ui-datepicker

jQuery UI datepicker: Can you format a date and allow multiple seperator characters?

jQuery UI Datepicker - allow only certain weekdays

Datepicker previous/next month dates selectable

jQuery Datepicker with FontAwesome Button?

jQuery Datepicker Width

jQuery UI Datepicker - Being able to pick day or month

How to clear a read only jQuery date picker textbox?

How can I remove the extra width to the right of jquery UI datepicker?

jquery datepicker - override options from data-attribute

jQuery: datepicker alternative

Rails 4 + simple_form and jQuery UI. Datepicker is not working via turbolinks

jQuery UI datepicker - clearing the altField when the primary field is cleared

How to get a datepicker for Html.Editorfor

jQuery datepicker validation message issue

How to combine the jQueryUI DatePicker's Icon Trigger with Bootstrap 3's Input Groups

Jquery UI datepicker change background color for a day


How to setup bootstrap-datepicker-rails?

When using jquery datepicker, what is the correct way to handle people typing in dates in different formats?

How to limit datepicker's max date to today? [duplicate]

how to hide second and millisecond from jquery ui datetimepicker