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New posts in jquery-plugins

Dynamically loading jQuery and extensions

jquery pagination

One click upload button

In-cell data bars in jqGrid - possible or not?

js-hotkeys - how to bind to the ? question mark

Add label to edges in arbor.js (Query plugin)

jQuery Form Plugin not responding well with FireFox

jquery forms jquery-plugins

jQuery Validate Plugin not validating metadata

jquery jquery-plugins

Can we use jQueryUI autocomplete with jQuery tags input plugin?

jquery truncate plugin

BlockUI jquery plugin keeps page blocked after "back" button. Opera/FireFox

Should I convert my jQuery plugins to use jQuery UI's Widget Factory?

Issue with creating an jQuery plugin without selector

Is it Possible to show and hide some Slickgrid Columns on button click

How to make json ajax call in jsTree

Chosen plugin max_selected_options

How to get ClockPicker for Bootstrap (Plugin) to appear in a Bootstrap Modal pop up form?

Assign Click Events to < li > in JQuery Treeview

In jQuery, how does the this.each() work?

Write a jQuery Plugin that return values