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Is it Possible to show and hide some Slickgrid Columns on button click

I need to show/hide some of the slickgrid columns on the click of a button. Is it possible?

For example , I have a slickgrid having 3 columns. On click of a button I want to show three more columns i.e 4,5,6. On clicking the button again these columns should hide and another div should take its place. So basically toggle 3 of the 6 slickgrid columns. Thanks

like image 658
user2426035 Avatar asked Nov 01 '13 10:11


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1 Answers

SlickGrid doesn't have a concept of showing or hiding columns. It shows whatever columns you specify in the constructor or in a later call to grid.setColumns(). If you want to hide a column, just remove it from the columns array you call grid.setColumns() again.

You can keep the original columns array with all the columns in a separate variable.

like image 79
Tin Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11
