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Chosen plugin max_selected_options

I use Chosen jquery plugin and I noticed that max_selected_options is not working:

The code is this:

<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="chosen/chosen.css" />

<select id="assets" data-placeholder="Choose assets" class="chzn-select" multiple style="width:350px;" tabindex="4">
    <option value="a">a</option>
    <option value="b">b</option>
    <option value="c">c</option>
    <option value="d">d</option>
    <option value="e">e</option>
    <option value="f">f</option>
    <option value="g">g</option>

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="chosen/chosen.jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> 

        $('.chzn-select').chosen({ max_selected_options: 3 });
        $(".chzn-select").bind("liszt:maxselected", function () { alert("a"); });
        $(".chzn-select").chosen().change( function () { alert("a"); } );


I don't understand what is incorrect to my code. This line:

$('.chzn-select').chosen({ max_selected_options: 3 });

should limit the maximum number of allowed selections. But it doesn't work. I still can select any number of items. I noticed that also the event that should be fired on the case the maximum number of selected items is reached doesn't fire:

$(".chzn-select").bind("liszt:maxselected", function () { alert("a"); });

Do I have any error in code?

And one more question: how can I add search functionality to my list, like the search box that appears on the first example on the plugins page?


like image 598
Zelter Ady Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 10:03

Zelter Ady

People also ask

How to remove chosen jQuery?

By default, pressing delete/backspace on multiple selects will remove a selected choice.

What is chosen in jQuery?

Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes select boxes user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.

1 Answers

You call twice the chosen() method, which is why you get problems:

$('.chzn-select').chosen({ max_selected_options: 3 });

Remove the first one and it works. Your JS code should be:

    $(".chzn-select").chosen({ max_selected_options: 3 });
    $(".chzn-select").bind("chosen:maxselected", function () { alert("max elements selected"); });
    $(".chzn-select").chosen().change( function () { alert("change"); } );
like image 191
Andreas Schwarz Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Andreas Schwarz