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Empty selector - jQuery Plugin Creation

$.fancybox.cancel() not working

Click event does not work properly in jQuery plugin

ISO currency list

jquery tablesorter filter - how to count the filtered rows

how to disable specific date range in bootstrap daterangepicker?

Do you have any security concerns when it comes to JQuery plugins? [closed]

jQuery Equal Height Divs

jquery jquery-plugins

jQuery: Get .timeago() to work on elements loaded after DOM ready (Ajax)

jquery ajax jquery-plugins

Is referencing a selector faster in jquery than actually calling the selector? if so, how much does it make a difference?

jquery jquery-plugins

How to change the querystring when I submit my GET form using JQuery?

jquery set tabindex and cursor

How to properly set up a decimal mask using jQuery MaskedInput 1.3

jQuery interface for creating ics valid repeating rules (rrule)

Mask input with percent sign

jquery jquery-plugins

jquery tokeninput filter query send extra parameters

jquery jquery-plugins

Mousewheel doesn't working (mCustomScrollbar jQuery plugin)

How to use jqGrid with C#/ASP.NET and JSON.NET (and no AJAX.NET stuff)?

"setting a property that has only a getter"- javascript error with firefox

Datatables pagination characters "<<" and "<" not displaying correctly in IE and Safari