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New posts in jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile, List views Thumbnails size


How can I create an overlay box using jQuery mobile

jquery jquery-mobile

Devise Sign In issue with jQuery Mobile and Rails

min value of slider in jquery mobile

How do I center an image using jqmobile

jquery html css jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile List View: initialize error

Change the language of iOS virtual keyboard "previous", "next", "done" buttons

White flash between pages with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile for mobile app

ios jquery-mobile cordova

Why does my jQuery Mobile app not show correctly in the Android 4.0.3 browser?

JQuery Mobile remove disc background


jquery mobile and knockout form submit binding

Crop Image from camera before upload (Phonegap)

Phonegap low performance issue

Incompatible jquery mobile and ui

jQuery Mobile - collapsibles mixed with normal list items

Hover effect stays after touch in jQueryMobile

jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 error when using panel

how to swipe up and swipe down in jQuery?

jquery mobile static footer navbar

jquery jquery-mobile

Any way to force two elements to stay next to each other on the same row with JQuery Mobile?

html jquery-mobile