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New posts in jquery-cookie

jQuery tabs with cookie - If cookie exists?

Fake global jQuery with browserify-shim? (Cannot find module 'jquery')

jQuery AJAX Response Set Cookie Header

How to close a notification bar with cookies and expiry date from php?

jQuery $.cookie not reading cookie set by server response

jquery jquery-cookie

(jQuery) Save checkbox state on click in cookie

Is using the jQuery Cookie plugin a valid way of testing to see if cookies are enabled?

How to read the cookie creation date (not expiration)

jquery cookie set value to boolean true

JQuery cookie extension will set a cookie with a path but will not read it

Why does jQuery cookie not actually set a cookie?

Is it possible for jQuery cookies to expire like session variables?

Using Bootstrap, have alert box remember close action


How do I set a cookie to expire after 1 minute or 30 seconds in Jquery?

How to delete a cookie using jQuery?

jquery save json data object in cookie