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JPA transaction/rollback behaviour with objects persisted via cascade

Spring Data Repository for Entity where foreign key is also primary key

when an entity stops to be managed in JPA

jpa entity

Why does a manually defined Spring Data JPA delete query not trigger cascades?

Can implementing Java copy constructor result in same instance?

Usage of @Basic(optional = false) in writing entity class

java jpa orm

Connecting to oracle enterprise 11 from eclipse with Service Name

AttributeConverter fails after migration from glassfish 4 to wildfly 8.1

Why is GenerationType.AUTO not using a serial on PostgreSQL?

POSTing to a collection association using Spring Data Rest

How do I use multiple databases with JPA?

java jpa

Spring Boot REST WebService + JPA : pageable and filter

hibernate rest jpa filter

How best to close connections and avoid inactive sessions while using C3P0?

How to migrate Hibernate from MySQL to SQL Server?

Hibernate: @OneToOne not producing "one to one" relationship in database

java sql hibernate jpa

com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'aboutMeText' at row 1

Saving nested objects with spring data - using an id as a reference

java jpa spring-data-jpa

How to prevent JPA from rolling back transaction?

java hibernate spring jpa struts

PreparedStatement alternative within JPA?

java mysql jpa

How to specify SQL comments through JPA annotations?

java orm jpa