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What are the differences between Joomla Model Types?

Joomla get('Items') and how it works

Logically select categories and subcategories (php,joomla,javascript,ajax)

javascript php mysql ajax joomla

Get rid of ID (category and article) from URL (Joomla 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5)

Empty lightbox when pdf confugered save file in firefox

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JS onclick="history.go(-1) only if under my domain

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Hide title not working in joomla 3.2

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.htaccess, YSlow, and "Use cookie-free domains"

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of undefined

How to get specific menu items from joomla?


Is it possible to skip some translation when using joomfish?

php joomla joomla1.5 joomfish

Difference between components, modules, extensions and plugins in Joomla

Fabrik form submission issue, getting JSON response instead of thank you page

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How to create my own form in joomla


How to get component parameters?

joomla password encryption

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SQL query to prepend prefix to existing value in a field

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Adding qty and add-to-cart in related products on product detail page for virtuemart 3 and display in linear fashion

Best practice for using window.onload

How to detect the current language of a Joomla! website?

php joomla