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MySQL: Is there a way to LEFT JOIN conditionally? (or similar?)

mysql join left-join

ActiveRecord Table Aliases

Join tables on nearest date in the past, in MySQL

sql date join

MySQL join on record that might not exist

sql mysql join

In Oracle, what is the difference between a hash join and a sort-merge join?

oracle join

Slow SQL query when joining tables

sql join left-join

Select MySQL data with where clause in 2 tables

sql mysql join one-to-many

MYSQL JOIN with unique result rows

mysql sql join

How do I split a string and then rejoin it?

c# string join split

SQL Join, include rows from table a with no match in table b

mysql sql join inner-join

mysql: finding rows that have multiple tags and the same id

mysql sql select join

lambdabot suggests join, but it doesn't work

How can I flatten results from left join using MySQL?

LINQ Join not returning results if second or third table empty

c# asp.net linq join

Multiple table joins with aggregate (mssql / sql server)

sql sql-server join aggregate

Join two collections with MapReduce in MongoDB

OUTER apply without subquery

SQL server matching two table on a column

sql sql-server select join

How to filter joined models in Django?

MySQL JOIN two tables on closest matching value

mysql join