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New posts in jodatime

Exclude 29 February from time interval

java date jodatime

Joda-Time Number of Days since Epoch

java jodatime

What is the difference between "withZone()" and "toDateTime()" methods of joda DateTime

datetime timezone jodatime

Using JodaTime in Spark's groupByKey and countByKey

jodatime apache-spark

AWS issue with joda-time (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError)

get days starting from epoch

java datetime jodatime

Exception getting JodaTime JSP Taglibs working

jsp spring-mvc jstl jodatime

Annotation for mapping Joda Time "Period" in JPA using Eclipse Link

java mysql jpa jodatime period

convert one time zone to another using joda time

Eclipse project can't find "org.joda"

java eclipse maven jodatime

How to convert Local time to am/pm time format using JodaTime?

java jodatime

using custom jaxb bindings to get xs:datetime to Joda time but getting XMLGregorianCalender

Joda LocalDate - still an instant?

java jodatime

Using hibernate validator JodaTime bean validation constraints in JBoss

Joda time round to days

java jodatime

Calculate difference between two hour's strings

java time jodatime java-time

Time interval localization in Java

Is it safe to use DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisFixed in tests?

java junit testng jodatime

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.joda.time.contrib.hibernate.PersistentDateTime.nullSafeGet

hibernate jodatime

How do you get the date/time range for "today" using the Joda date/time library in Java?

java datetime jodatime