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New posts in jira-agile

How to display story points on cards on GreenHopper Kanban?

JQL to retrieve all stories and sub tasks related to specific epic

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In Jira, how can I make "Log work hours" a mandatory field when I resolve an issue?

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How do I change sort order for release versions in JIRA/Greenhopper planning?

Jira software: trigger a script on release?

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"Days in column" dots explanation

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JIRA JQL: Issues resolved in the current sprint

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How to manage story points when there are a number of tasks? [closed]

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How to get JIRA Agile issues assigned to the current sprint for the current user using the JIRA REST API?

How to integrate Jira with GitLab CE?

How to get all sprints in project using JIRA REST API

In Jira Agile when should I use a "Story" and when should I use an "Improvement"

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Jira's Lexorank algorithm for new stories

JIra + Greenhopper - how to do Agile correctly

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JIRA: Epics vs Labels vs Components

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