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Conditional element classes with jinja, I want a div to get a class if a list item contains a certain item

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Jinja2: saying 'Render this macro inside another macro or template'

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Python dictionary in Jinja

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jinja/ansible convert string to boolean

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Right place to put custom nbconvert templates

Ansible - check variable type

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How to set the Jinja environment variable in Flask?

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Fabric and Jinja Template Uploading

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jinja2 + reStructured Markup

Add custom tokens in Jinja2 (e.g. %% somevar %%)

Flask url_for gives error when routing in modular application

Jinja2, Backbone.js and progressive enhancement

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Flask : How to serve static files from under the template directory?

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In jinja2 on Google App Engine, how can I (easily) build a URL based on a route name with arguments?

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How to unpack more than one variable on Jinja2

python jinja2

Return a dict object from Jinja2 macros

python jinja2

working with arrays in jinja2

python arrays jinja2

Ansible testing variable type

jinja2 ansible

Ansible: compare difference between two dates for the last hour

How do I set a value for a hidden field in a Flask form, using wtf.quick_form?