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If I close the PreparedStatement, would the caching in the Database be lost?

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Concurrent queries on a given JDBC connection?

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Transaction state in JDBC

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get value from updated row

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architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application?

How do I place large (or at least nontrivial) BLOBs into Oracle with JDBC?

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Drop all constraints in Derby via JDBC

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JDBC + PL/SQL = Is it so simple, or is there a catch?

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Android - Access to online Database SQlite

JDBC Connection URL For Embedded Derby in a Webapp

Database connection settings retrieved from a JNDI connection pool

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Simple way to run sqlplus script from java

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Is there any lightweight JDBC wrapper with these features?

java jdbc

c3p0 how to shutdown all the database connections and re-open them when need?

java jdbc c3p0

:result-set-fn in clojure jdbc return error "The result set is closed." Why?

JDBC mySQL Error: Statement cancelled due to timeout or client request

jdbc google-apps-script

PLSQL JDBC: How to get last row ID?

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dll missing in JDBC

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java.sql.SQLException: Before start of result set [duplicate]

java mysql image jdbc

Inserting multiple rows using JdbcTemplate