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New posts in jax-rs

Declaring to throw an exception without ever throwing it

java ejb jax-rs javabeans

How to use CDI into JAX-RS client

Creating a simple Restful api in Java

java jax-rs

Sending protocol buffers via REST

install and use jersey on Eclipse

java spring jaxb jersey jax-rs

Is there a possibility to hide the "@type" entry when marshalling subclasses to JSON using EclipseLink MOXy (JAXB)?

How can I override the decisions made during JAX-RS Content Negotiation?

java rest jax-rs resteasy

REST and HttpSession object

Why is it that @MatrixParam values seem to only come from the final segment?

java tomcat uri jax-rs

How to access files within a JAX-RS web service directory by specifying their URL?

RESTEasy - javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException: Could not find resource for full path

java gwt jax-rs resteasy

Client side authentication with jax-rs and cxf

java jersey cxf jax-rs

Preventing 'PersistentObjectException'

java jakarta-ee jpa jax-rs

Customizing JSON marhsalling with GlassFish v4

Hosting Static Content and JAX-RS Services Under the Same Root Context

Custom exception mapping for JAX-RS Bean validation

@JsonFilter throws "JsonMappingException: Can not resolve BeanPropertyFilter"

json cxf jax-rs jackson

@Stateless vs @RequestScoped

java jakarta-ee jax-rs

Obtaining "MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json" trying to send JSON object through JAX-RS web service