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New posts in java.util.concurrent

In a Java 7+ ForkJoinPool, is it possible to cancel a task and all subtasks?

ExecutorService.shutdownNow() does not shut down threads

How to test if java Future is complete?

What is ReentrantLock#tryLock(long,TimeUnit) doing when it tries to aquire the lock?

CompletableFuture -- Aggregate Future to Fail Fast

ConcurrentSkipListSet using Comparator will not add new unique values

Can synchronized blocks be faster than Atomics?

Thread pool queue with unique tasks

ConcurrentHashMap update exists value thread safe

How to make ScheduledThreadPool report errors?

Future Task rejected from ThreadPoolExecutor

java java.util.concurrent

Timeout while waiting for a batch of Futures to complete?

How atomicity is achieved in the classes defined in java.util.concurrent.atomic package?

Mixture of shutdown() and shutdownNow()

java java.util.concurrent

Why aren't Java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit types greater than SECONDS available in Android?

Java: How to take static snapshot of ConcurrentHashMap?

Is there a .thenCompose() for CompletableFuture that also executes exceptionally?

How do java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition work?

Java Memory Model happens-before guarantees for Thread Pool interactions