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New posts in java.util.concurrent

Why Atomic versions are missing for some primitive types while being present for some?

Synchronize Three Threads

Difference between Phaser and CyclicBarrier

java java.util.concurrent

How can I rewrite this main thread - worker threads synchronization

ExecutorService.submit(<callable>) taking more time?

Clever asynchronous repaint in Java

java - stealing bits from references

ForkJoinPool stalls during invokeAll/join

Scala Map and ConcurrentHashMap throw a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

Java ThreadPool usage

ThreadPoolExecutor and the queue

is there any Concurrent LinkedHashSet in JDK6.0 or other libraries?

java java.util.concurrent

AtomicInteger incrementAndGet atomicity

Need to manually synchronize the Synchronized list while iteration when it could be avoided?

How to implement consumer-producer with multiple consumers and multiple queues

Which implementations of Condition do not require current thread to hold the lock?

Concurrency: Java Map

Different `next` entry of ConcurrentHashMap in JDK 1.6 and JDK 1.7

Kotlin concurrency for ConcurrentHashMap

Future.cancel() is not cancelling the scheduled execution of ScheduledExecutorService