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New posts in java-native-interface

Passing a byte[] in Java to a function in C through JNI: how to use jarraybyte

A correct way to convert byte[] in java to unsigned char* in C++, and vice versa?

Javah tool error: Could not find class file for hellojni

Use C++ with Android ndk/jni

How to access arrays within an object with JNI?


Passing data types from Java to C (or vice versa) using JNI

passing string array from java to C with JNI

JNI - How to callback from C++ or C to Java?

Pinning a Java application to the Windows 7 taskbar

How to call a method in DLL in a Java program

Multiple directories in -Djava.library.path

Calling C# code from Java?

What is a native implementation in Java? [duplicate]

Calling Win32 API method from Java

JNI vs. JNA performance

JNI: How can i check if jobject is a null object in native c code

Why I should not reuse a jclass and/or jmethodID in JNI?

How to call C++ from Java?

JNI - "Cannot open include file: 'jni_md.h'"

How to cache bitmaps into native memory