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Alternatives to rotating buffers into Players in J2ME?

java streaming java-me mmapi

Bluetooth client/server communication between computer and mobile phone

Approximate searching against a list of strings

java algorithm string java-me

What is the difference between httpconnection on J2ME and HttpUrlConnection on Android (http error 401)

Turn on Flash as Light on Blackberry

What is a good toolkit for developing Blackberry applications?

java blackberry java-me mobile

Whats the best way to start programming for my non-smartphone?

J2ME (Java) - Null Pointer Exception caught in Display Class

Need some help in parsing this XML in J2ME platform

Is there a good HttpClient library for J2ME/MIDP?

rest java-me midp cldc

Where can I find/download LWUIT Themes

java-me lwuit

How to reduce Java ME application size?

java java-me

what is the purpose of using USSD Commands in our J2ME Application? Is this possible?

java-me gsm at-command ussd

BlackBerry App: Screen Not Showing Up In Auto Run Mode

is there any way to set APN programmatically in blackberry?

Gameloop for j2me "turn-based" game

java java-me midp lcdui

Measuring "real" phone signal strength on a mobile phone

Is there a way to get the stack trace of an exception in form of a String in Blackberry?

J2ME - code signing - What's the Certificate that works in all handsets such as Nokia,samsung,Micromax,LG?

HashTable Issue

java java-me hashtable java1.4