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New posts in java-8

Modifying the returned Map value type with collectors.groupingBy in Java stream

java java-8

functional if else on a Boolean

java java-8 option-type

Java8 stream.map on same stream out different mapping functions?

Java 8 functional way of getting consecutive numbers of a list

How to register TestExecutionListener in Junit 5 and detect if all tests are executed

java junit java-8 junit5

How to convert Stream<String[]> to Stream<String>?

Java8 to Java7 - Migrate Comparators

Java 8 requireNonNull method with supplier parameter performance

Is there a way to stop Stream.iterate() with a predicate? [duplicate]

java java-8 java-stream

Difference between Java stream().noneMatch(...) and !stream().anyMatch(...) [duplicate]

java java-8 java-stream

Java Duration between exception

java time java-8

Why HashMap resize when it hits TREEIFY_THRESHOLD value which is not required?

java java-8 hashmap

Difference between normal instantiation and instantiation including method reference

BiSupplier in Java8

How to apply a collection of filters to a Java stream?

java java-8 java-stream

Why is BufferedReader not closed when obtaining `Stream<String>` in try-with-resources?

Types of randomness

java java-8

How does one run Java 8's nashorn under a SecurityManager

How do I pass a class to a method in Nashorn?

java-8 nashorn

Should I use the java Stream.map Function together with an switch statement?