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New posts in java-7

Iterating a DirectoryStream and changing contents of a directory at the same time

Detect exception in AutoCloseable close()

Java try-with-resources syntax irregularity

Why does this override of a generic method work with 1.6, but not 1.7?

java generics java-7

Why StAX classes were not retrofitted for ARM in Java 7

How do I add a new Currency to java.util.Currency for an existing country code in Java 7?

java jvm currency java-7

Dependency Injection in a Java 7 standalone application

Java 7 switch statement with strings not working

Why can't the Java 7 and Eclipse 3.8 compiler compile JDK code with the new Java 7 diamond operator?

How would I make this Java 7 compatible?

Closures in Java - syntax differences between the three major proposals?

Missing type arguments for generic class Class<T> where T is a type-variable

java generics java-7

Error in URL.getFile()


Tomcat6 and Java 7

java tomcat6 java-7

Java nio WatchService for multiple directories

java nio java-7

java compiler's target version "jsr14" with JDK7/8

java javac java-7

Android Studio cannot import project: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.util.Map

Issue installing Netbeans in Windows 10: Java SE Development Kit (JDK) was not found on this computer [duplicate]

java netbeans java-8 java-7

What's Tiered Compilation in Java 7? [closed]

java jvm java-7

Jackson unable to load JDK7 types on Android