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working with HUGE lists in python

python itertools poker

Python: Generating all ordered combinations of a list

itertools.imap vs map over the entire iterable

python python-2.x itertools

Using 'reduce' on a list of dictionaries

Powersets in Python using itertools

python python-3.x itertools

itertools.takewhile within a generator function - why is it evaluated once only?

python generator itertools

Faster numpy-solution instead of itertools.combinations?

itertools.product slower than nested for loops

Why does Python's itertools.cycle need to create a copy of the iterable?

Flattening nested generator expressions

python generator itertools

Python creating a list with itertools.product?

python itertools

python all possible combinations of 0,1 of length k

Python itertools.combinations' results

Initialise a NumPy array based on its index

How do I reverse an itertools.chain object?

python generator itertools

What is itertools.groupby() used for?

python itertools

How can I use python itertools.groupby() to group a list of strings by their first character?

python string itertools

itertools.islice implementation -- efficiently slicing a list

python slice itertools

Cyclical Sliding Window Iteration

What is the current value of a Python itertools counter

python itertools