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New posts in itertools

Python itertools.product with variable number of arguments

python list itertools

Simple idiom to break an n-long list into k-long chunks, when n % k > 0?

Difference between chain(*iterable) vs chain.from_iterable(iterable)

python itertools

Python - get all combinations of a list

How to make zip_longest available in itertools using Python 2.7

python python-2.7 itertools

More efficient way to get integer permutations?

Equivalent Nested Loop Structure with Itertools

What should itertools.product() yield when supplied an empty list?

Combining itertools and multiprocessing?

How to unzip an iterator?

Python permutations with constraints

Why do I get a MemoryError with itertools.product?

python itertools

How to join/merge two generators output using python

python generator itertools

My IDLE does not recognize itertools.izip() as a function

python itertools

Group consecutive integers and tolerate gaps of 1

python list grouping itertools

Split python tuple in subtuples with capacity limit in functional programming style

cycle through multiple list using itertools.cycle()

python itertools

zip_longest without fillvalue

what is the quickest way to iterate through a numpy array

python pandas numpy itertools

What are the Ruby equivalent of Python itertools, esp. combinations/permutations/groupby?