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New posts in istanbul

Generating istanbul code coverage reports for jasmine tests run (via grunt) on a browserify bundle in phantomjs

Jest tests failing only with coverage

SonarQube and Lcov report Could not resolve file paths

Add code coverage to Jasmine testing in browser

angularjs jasmine istanbul

Excluding files from coverage when using Karma and Istanbul

How does SonarQube calculate the overall coverage?

Code coverage for AngularJS html templates

Code coverage for nightwatch.js using Istanbul

Grunt code coverage doesn't work

Is there a way to generate Jest / Istanbul coverage report in junit.xml format

How to improve puppeteer startup performance during tests

node.js puppeteer istanbul nyc

How to run a git pre-commit hook to enforce that test coverage for the staged files doesn't decrease?

if-else path not taken in imports in angular istanbul code coverage report