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New posts in ipython-notebook

Why is matplotlib plot produced from ipython notebook slightly different from terminal version?

Jupyter refuses to serve hidden directory (D:\) on windows

adding syntax highlighting to Jupyter notebook cell magic

plot() doesn't work on IPython notebook

ipython notebook - $DISPLAY variable error [duplicate]

using decorators to persist python objects

iPython Notebook; Plotting transition diagrams

Is there any way to generate a diff between two versions of an IPython notebook?

Appending Boolean Column in Panda Dataframe

ipython notebook multiple instances on different ports

ipython ipython-notebook

How do I configure mathjax for iPython notebooks?

Change plot window size in IPython notebook

Installing pzmq with Cygwin

IPython Notebook error: Error loading notebook

Simplest Way to Serve Jupyter Incubator Dashboards Locally

How can I get Jupyter / IPython Notebook nbconvert to output PDFs that don't overflow off the page?

IPython Notebook - Keep printing to notebook output after closing browser


vi shortcuts in ipython notebook

vim ipython-notebook

How to Render Math Table Properly in IPython Notebook

Call a function from another cell in iPython

ipython ipython-notebook