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SwiftUI 2.0 List with children - how to make the tappable area of the disclosure button cover the whole list item

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iTMStransporter will be updated in approximately in 8 days [duplicate]

Mac Catalyst: multi-window without supporting multi-window in iPad app?

How to get the size of the corner radius of widget in SwiftUI?

Error on iOS14 when loading OBJs into MDLAsset

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Getting a custom UIView to respond to a two finger trackpad scroll gesture (or mouse scroll wheel)

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SwiftUI 2 - How to prevent the top section from closing in a list in macOS and iPadOS

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SwiftUI - unexpected behaviour using onTapGesture with mouse/trackpad on iPadOS and Catalyst

iOS 14 UISplitViewController (sidebar) with triple column sidebar toggle icon behavior

Failure to launch app from dock on iPad with PadOS13

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Fabric installer page on Safari for iPadOS 13.1 is not recognized as a "device"

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Debugging sporadic app crashes with dylib in iOS13/iPadOS 13

How do I convert or load a UIImage into a PKDrawing?

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iPadOS: Network connected via NEHotspotConfiguration disconnects after a while

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