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New posts in intersection-observer

IntersectionObserver on IE, Edge

Detect whether element is above or below the viewport on intersect leave with intersection observer

How to detect element visibility (z-index, fixed, opacity etc) (Intersection Observer V2 alternative)

Problem with Intersection Observer in vue.js

Use IntersectionObserver with rootMargin to change when reaching 50% viewport height


How to dynamically change Intersection Observer's configuration

IntersectionObserver rootMargin's positive and negative values are not working

IntersectionObserver with React & Hooks

Determine how much of the viewport is covered by element (IntersectionObserver)

IntersectionObserver iOS & Safari

How to get all entries using Intersection Observer API?

Reference error: Can't find variable: IntersectionObserver

Does Intersection Observer works from inside of a cross-domain iframe, with respect to the viewport?

IntersectionObserver: how rootMargin work?

IntersectionObserver isIntersecting property never is false if threshold greater than 0

Gatsby - IntersectionObserver is not defined