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New posts in interrupted-exception

Thread.isInterrupted doesn't work, Thread.interrupted does

Why is thread not interrupted when sleeping in finally block

Handling InterruptedException while waiting for an exit signal (bug in Android?)

Java interrupt thread when reading socket [duplicate]

InterruptedException after cancel file open dialog - 1.6.0_26

Why would you catch InterruptedException to call Thread.currentThread.interrupt()?

Why linux kernel use trap gate to handle divide_error exception?

Different behaviour when calling thread.isInterrupted and printing the result

Concurrency - interrupting a Future without cancelling it

Who interrupts my thread?

Need to semaphore.relase() if semaphore.acquire() gets InterruptedException?

Guava: Throwables.propagate and InterruptedException

Does calling Thread.interrupt() before a Thread.join() cause the join() to throw an InterruptedException immediately?

Thread with Lambda expression

Either re-interrupt this method or rethrow the "InterruptedException issue in sonar

Occasional InterruptedException when quitting a Swing application

How can I kill a thread? without using stop();

In what cases does Future.get() throw ExecutionException or InterruptedException

Is it OK to ignore InterruptedException if nobody calls interrupt()?