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New posts in internet-explorer-6

Can anyone recommend an elegant "No IE6 support" script?

IE 6 CSS Hover non Anchor Tag

css internet-explorer-6

How To Tell What Files IE Thinks Are "nonsecure"?

forcing IE8 browser display a website in IE6 standards mode

How much time and effort do you spend on IE6? [closed]


How to detect IE6, and show alert?

What is the replacement for the child selector?

PNG8 Black Border in IE

Hiding some HTML from IE6?

Is there a good repository of IE 6 considerations?

When to stop caring about a browser

If I serve /favicon.ico as image/vnd.microsoft.icon, instead of image/x-icon, will it break on any browsers?

Known issues with gzip and IE6

internet-explorer-6 gzip

How viable is ie7-js by Dean Edwards?

jQuery $(document).ready() failing in IE6

How can I set CSS only for specific IE browsers?

CSS <ul> <li> gap in IE7

Stretching width correctly to 100% of an inline-block element in IE6 and IE7

Which jQuery plugin should be used to fix the IE6 PNG transparency issue?

How To Insert OPTIONs into SELECT with jQuery -- Cross-Platform, Even IE6