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New posts in internationalization

How to properly add entries for computed values to the django internationalization messages file?

How to internationalize a PHP third-party library

Most effective way working with multiple natural languages

iOS Get localized version of a string for a specific language

Grails i18n From Database but Default Back To File

Display link in Rails form error message

Django form field label translations

Gender problem in a django i18n translation

Rails i18n and routes in javascript

Django i18n blocktrans vs trans

Different storyboard localization per target

Django: i18n - change language

Efficiently Computing Text Widths

How to make python's argparse generate Non-English text?

Are you fluent in Unicode yet?

PHP Gettext problems (like non-thread-safe?)

internationalization of dates on the web

JSTL Resource Bundle for Internationalization and Localization

How to add available locales to i18n for a Ruby only project?

ruby internationalization

How to override English labels inserted by Sphinx