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New posts in information-schema

Poor performance of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.key_column_usage in MySQL

Constraint detail from information_schema (on update cascade, on delete restrict)

Query the schema details of a table in PostgreSQL?

MySQL database engine: MyISAM for information_schema but InnoDB for other databases

SQL Server 2008 grant permission to information_schema.columns

mysql: access denied on information_schema

mysql information-schema

Where are NUMERIC precision and scale for a field found in the pg_catalog tables?

Find Foreign Key Constraint Column Information Between Tables

Search a column name across all databases

unreliable information_schema schema information on SQL Server?

Information schema and Primary Keys

How to introspect materialized views

Table design for user's information as well as login credentials?

MySQL not updating information_schema, unless I manually run ANALYZE TABLE `myTable`

Find out if user got permission to select/update/... a table/function/... in PostgreSQL

Invalid object name 'information_schema.columns' in SQL Server

List all tables containing a given column name

mysql information-schema

How to limit SHOW TABLES query

MySQL query to show difference between development and production schema

Error #1044 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' [closed]