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New posts in immutability

Immutable strings in Go

Regarding the immutability of pandas dataframe indexes

Why JVM is not "seeing" duplicate String value in String Pool memory?

Should every immutable class be final?

java immutability final

What is the difference between mutable values and immutable value redefinition?

Immutable "functional" data structure in C++11

Why would you `replace` rather than assign a new object to the same variable?

ruby immutability

Will the jit optimize new objects

Immutable Object in Objective-C: Big init method?

objective-c immutability

Is this class fully Immutable?

Problem with string as reference parameter when method takes Object C# [duplicate]

Setting a final class attribute

java immutability final

C# Changing a string after it has been created

c# immutability

Disadvantages of Immutable objects

scala immutability

Why 'for .. in' allowed in closures?

Why don't the wrapper classes for Primitives have a setter?

Scala List.updated

How can I make this class immutable despite having a mutable member?

java list immutability

Immutable data structures and concurrency

c# concurrency immutability

Why do Scala immutable HashMap methods return a Map?

scala hashmap immutability