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New posts in image-capture

Capture current image from youtube live stream

How to capture a photo from the camera without intent

Why does AVCaptureVideoOrientation landscape modes result in upside down still images?

How to change camera parameters (auto exposure, shutter speed, gain)?

android webview page reloading after capture picture and Upload in android 5+

CameraX: Capturing photo as bitmap

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in android while getting image from gallery in android

How can I programmatically create a screen shot of a given Web site?

screenshot image-capture

Enable Safety assistance emergency mode

android image-capture

Is there any way other than thumbnail method to take a screenshot of an video in Iphone?

Null pointer after capturing image using android camera

How to capture image from custom CameraView in Android?

Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some Gingerbread devices

Capturing a single image from my webcam in Java or Python

How to capture UIView to UIImage without loss of quality on retina display