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Acceptable Golang idiomatic nested error handling?

go idioms

Can I avoid referencing + dereferencing the hash returned from a map operation?

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Why use Python's "else" clause in try/except block? [duplicate]

Memberspaces may access private members of parent class

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make-keyword-map in Clojure - Idiomatic?

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Better pattern for partial specialization disambiguation precedence chain?

Lazy evaluation for subset of class methods

A general-purpose STLish contains()

Should I use PIMPL everywhere? [closed]

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F# idiomatic conversion of async while loop accumulation

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ruby syntactic sugar: dealing with nils

ruby idioms

Idiomatic Clojure way to find most frequent items in a seq

clojure idioms

What is idiomatic Clojure for this simple logic?

clojure idioms

Efficiently partition a string at arbitrary index

Is pattern matching on derived types idiomatic for F#?

Common Lisp idiom for filtering a list and applying a function to the unfiltered elements?

lisp common-lisp idioms

Avoiding code duplication for runtime-to-compile-time numeric parameter translation

Python 'self' for function

python idioms self

What's the most "Swift-like"/clean way to set a non-nil value with a sync DispatchQueue?

Idiomatic way to "merge" multiple lists of the same length in F#?