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New posts in icon-fonts

Include font awesome inside input type text

css icon-fonts

How to make font icon be full of a block element?

javascript css icon-fonts

zurb foundation icon font with ruby on rails

Why won't my icon font icon stay rotated?

html css icon-fonts

How can I use icons in navigation view's menu using icon font in android

Padding issues (?) with custom icon font. Example below

html css icon-fonts

Line-height issue with firefox

Iconfont charachterspace collapses in Android (Fontastic)

android css icon-fonts

large Iconfont icon cut off on the right side

css mobile icon-fonts

Converting SVG to font icon using icomoon

javascript css svg icon-fonts

Trouble using icon fonts with CSS

html css icon-fonts

Correct font-display value for icon fonts

css fonts icon-fonts

Sass variable interpolation with backslash in output

Tools to create an Icon Font [closed]

how to update icomoon fonts to existing icomoon fonts?

Support for Unicode By browser

unicode fonts icons icon-fonts

Icon fonts vs images

css icons icon-fonts

Unicode characters for «email», «save», «print»