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New posts in huawei-developers

Huawei Push Kit Error : 907135701: scope list empty

Huawei Push Kit API - get Push Id from rest Api

Huawei AR Engine .obj file not rendering properly

Is it possible to identify from the user-agent if a Huawei device is NOT supporting google services?

I am having Huawei Site Kit Error Code:10017

What google services are banned in Harmony OS (here is a list that I have used in my android app.)

HMS core Map kit, map loads but no rendering

What is the equivalent of view.postDelayed(Runnable action, long delayMillis) in harmonyos?

Huawei AppGallery Connect API - 403 client token authorization fail

Conflict with Huawei HMS plugin in android with gradle 7.0.0

huawei App Signing Export and upload key and certificate

How to open the Huawei AppGallery directly?