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New posts in https

HTTPS URL server certificate in Ruby

ruby ssl https ssl-certificate

from http to https

java http servlets https

How do I make a POST request over HTTPS in PHP?

php post https youtube-api

Symfony2 Twig url() https

url https symfony twig

How can I read a secure XML URI in C#?

c# xml https

Django is redirecting from HTTPS to HTTP

django apache ssl https sysadmin

Securing Rails API with https

Heroku push via HTTPS

ruby-on-rails git https heroku

Secure session cookies for rails application

Why does git fetch fail with "Could not resolve host: (nil)..." with https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew origin?

git github https

Post a file through https using indy / delphi components

delphi https indy

Why is the connection refused?

Self-Hosted WCF Service with Mutual SSL (between Service and Client) fails with 403 Forbidden

RemoteWebdriver started with PhantomJS does not open https url

curl SSL certificate error: verifcation failed

ssl curl https ssl-certificate

Node.js TLS request with specific ciphers

node.js ssl https openssl

Change ssl port of apache2 server. (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)

SSL needed on redirect?

ssl https ssl-certificate

req.protocol never gives https behind nginx proxy

node.js express nginx https

How to use Amazon ACM cert with Cloudfront?