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New posts in http

Java: HTTP Post to create new "Product" in a Ruby on Rails application

Is Content-Type negotiation typical or atypical in REST apps?

How to ensure http requests originate from a specific location?

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Is there any concurrent HTTP requests limitation for Silverlight?

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how to make WCF webHttp behaviour accept HEAD verbs?

Socket closing problem - last portion of data is lost

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URL encoding yes/or no?

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code to ping websites works sometimes

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Correct syntax of a HTTP 100 Continue response

http rfc2616

HTTP headers: Last-Modified - how can it mimimize server load?

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web.py: How to selectively hide resources with 404s for any HTTP method?

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How to edit HTTP request with Fiddler

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HTTPS login not saving the JSESSIONID in a cookie [closed]

Make JRuby inherit Java proxy settings

Python urllib3: close idle connection after some time

jQuery Ajax: redirect to other pages without wait the result

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A method for making HTTP requests on Unity iOS?

Angularjs issue $http.get not working

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What's the best return code for "@unique" violations?

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Poorly-balanced socket accepts with Linux 3.2 kernel vs 2.6 kernel

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