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New posts in http

HTTP Proxy authentication in iOS 4.3

Find out the proxy type (http, socks 4/5) in Python?

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Try to stop image loading with javascript

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What are the options to listen to http traffic from the flash program embedded into a web-page?

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Perform POST request with Lazarus

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Detect android java client connection timeout from PHP

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Can an HTTPS served SWF file request non-secure HTTP content?

What is the proper user-agent to use for a server?

http request user-agent

Alternate URL for wikipedia commons page? Looks like an image file - breaks lightbox

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Google search by image "image_content" format?

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Lightweight web authentication for embedded system

XmlHttpRequest denied by Access-Control-Allow-Origin even though origin matches perfectly

javascript http cors

What's the most efficient ETag generation given the following possibilities?

http caching http-headers go

Url encoding not supported

Should I use the Content-Location header this way?

http rest

Selenium Python - Get Network response body

How do I add HTTP basic auth for a specific endpoint with spring security?

java spring http security

What exactly does "every SSL certificate requires a dedicated IP" mean?

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Download large file from HTTP with resume/retry support in .NET?

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