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New posts in html5-history

history.pushstate and HTTP POST form repost

history.back() doesn't work with HTML5 history API as expected in Chrome

using history.pushState in Firefox make my favicon disappear

Hashtags (Fragment identifiers) VS Javascript History API

webpack historyApiFallback configuration for deep routes

history.back doesn't work on iOS using Cordova

history.replaceState not working for firefox v56+

Access React Router history stack

History API: Javascript Pushstate, get previous URL

statechange load is causing multiple loads of the same page

Reload page on browser back/forward button in AngularJS with ui router

HTML5 History API: surviving to a a clear history?


How to enable/disable "click to go forward" button in browser using history js?

React Router: Query Param Match?

Does Ember routing fall back to using a hash if browser doesn't support the History API?

Is there a way to tell what direction the state is going with history.js?

Angular2 pathLocationStrategy: url change cause page reload

Should I use an iframe rather than ajax?